by Ernest C. Buck
What would be the worst result of immigration “management and control”? For hypothetical and theoretical reasons, let’s consider what this world would look like. (Any coincidence with real life events is a mere coincidence. Real life cases are used here to exemplify but should not be used to generalize).
After whole-scale groups of immigrants and long time residents are labeled as “illegal”, "alien", "criminal" and “terrorist” and are thus dehumanized while being considered a “security threat”, the security apparatuses of the “host” countries would then develop a “low level warfare” in order to rid their societies of “unwanted elements.” Repressive and undemocratic regimes in the “less developed nations” would engage in this, but so would the “most advanced liberal regimes.” The issue would become such a pressing one that not only professional military and police staff would be engaged in "national protection" but also civil guards, militias, and citizen groups would get mobilized in an effort that would start looking like a set of civil wars, first symbolic and discursive, and then violent, between groups of citizens across countries. Because most countries in the Global North would be engaged in the same behavior simultaneously, no one could point fingers or ask for things to change. Without the backup of influential national governments, the U.N., and NGOs would have a limited palliative effect and only solidarity and civil disobedience by citizens would be able to reverse some of the adverse effects of this civil war [e.g. in France, "More than 22,000 people have joined protest movements and underground networks to hide immigrant children and prevent their parents' deportation. They call themselves a new Resistance" (Chrisafis, 2007)].
In order to cure the "social body", the social doctor must:
1 Locate a naturally occurring phenomena and categorize it as a minor disease that can be cured.
2 He must diagnose a society with it.
3 He must move to intervene and operate.
4 But the cure should never be complete. The victim has to continuously check her status and engage in preventive actions.
Lets study these steps in more detail.
Anti-immigrant Recipe
1. First, security professionals, enabling social scientists, demagogic politicians, journalists, and concerned citizens would "categorize the problem", in this case the "immigrant problem". Then measure it, and ask for solutions. What would this look like?
a) Measure illegal immigration with broad approximations and display it in the manner of a ticking bomb, next to the number of prisoners and disease rates, so that people will associate these ontologically different things in their minds:
Screen clipping taken: 11/17/2007, 8:25 AM
b) Create more laws to produce new illegal and terrorist categories. In contrast to the past make it illegal for foreigners to come to your country if they lack visas, even if the have jobs or families in your country. Make it hard to obtain visas and renew them but make sure your industries can exploit them. To prevent collective action pass laws against any "radicalization" and "politicization."
(e.g. on October 23, 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the law "H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007" where: "The term 'violent radicalization' means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change" and " 'ideologically based violence' means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual's political, religious, or social beliefs." emphasis my own). emphasis my own).
c) Locate the problem geographically, map it and display it graphically:

d) Provide "real time" security warnings:

Use devices like the "Global Incident Map Displaying Terrorist Acts, Suspicious Activity, and General Terrorism News" not for research purposes but to create a feeling of emergency, anxiety and fear. clipping taken: 11/17/2007, 10:02 AM

Screen clipping taken: 11/17/2007, 10:14 AM
f) Any time there is a car accident or a crime involving an immigrant, report and map it, as this will make people confuse causation with correlation and ignore other evidence and simple probability and statistical principles. Thus underline crimes committed by immigrants (even if their overall rates are lower that those for natives as in the case in the U.S.). If there are a lot of crimes in an area (e.g. Newark, N.J.) and an immigrant commits homicide or runs someone over repeat the mantra if "that illegal would have been deported those (students, young, children, elders) would still be alive." Do not forget to remind the public about the rise of auto-defense groups and immigrant and ethnic gangs.
g) Target easily visible symbols:
g) Target easily visible symbols:
Given the supposed claim of a "clash of civilizations" invented by "prestigious intellectuals" bash anything that is alien to the Western tradition. Define this tradition as Secular/Protestant/Christian/or Judeo-Christian depending on the audience and purpose (as Sarkozy recently told fellow heads of state, off the record, "Too many Muslims in Europe create a big problem. Thus accepting Turkey into the European Union would only make things worse" (Quatremer, 2007).
Accordingly, people may be interested in finding a Mosque near them for purposes other than praying (they can do so at They can also oppose the constructions of new Mosques close to them, as people in London have recently succeeded in doing (Perlez, 2007).
Accordingly, people may be interested in finding a Mosque near them for purposes other than praying (they can do so at They can also oppose the constructions of new Mosques close to them, as people in London have recently succeeded in doing (Perlez, 2007).
2. Intervene/Operate
h) Make it much harder to get a visa, asking for an almost impossible set of papers, fees and requirements that contradict each other, and then have idiosyncratic and ethnocentric bureaucrats apply their discerning opinion over the dossiers. There is no rush, non-citizens have no right to complain even if the processes takes some years. Keep these departments understaffed and badly paid so people do not have an incentive to process each case too rapidly. Every moment you save, may give you an excuse to deport someone or deny an application thanks to new information or new laws.
i) Militarize your borders, strengthen security at entry ports. For example, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security press communique (November 6, 2007):
i) Militarize your borders, strengthen security at entry ports. For example, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security press communique (November 6, 2007):
"The Border Patrol now has roughly 15,000 agents and by the end of next year we will have more than 18,300 agents. This doubles the size of the Border Patrol under President Bush’s leadership." Furthermore, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau (ICE) "continues to increase worksite enforcement operations. In Fiscal Year 2007, ICE made 863 criminal arrests and 4,077 administrative arrests for a total of 4,940 arrests."
j) Make sure to increase fines, and make the case that the applicants should be the ones paying for the red tape and charge them accordingly, but this shall not stop you of calling the applicants a fiscal charge. Make sure to make immigration bureaus profitable and keep the salaries of top officials high, they are a good place to place loyal friends and family. For example, in Fiscal Year 2007, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "obtained more than $30 million in criminal fines, restitutions and civil judgments as a result of worksite enforcement."
j) Make sure to increase fines, and make the case that the applicants should be the ones paying for the red tape and charge them accordingly, but this shall not stop you of calling the applicants a fiscal charge. Make sure to make immigration bureaus profitable and keep the salaries of top officials high, they are a good place to place loyal friends and family. For example, in Fiscal Year 2007, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "obtained more than $30 million in criminal fines, restitutions and civil judgments as a result of worksite enforcement."
k) Most importantly, start deporting people. I repeat, deport any
l) If there are any protests, repress them:
Marching for immigrant rights?
Why? They have no rights. They are illegal. What part of illegal don't you understand?
Waving other countries' flags? This is not the world cup or St. Patrick's day! This is offensive and threatening. Even if unarmed, they are enemy combatants, an invading army, and so they should be treated. Children present? Well, that is how they start. Send in the army dressed as policemen and call them peace enforcers. They have no rights. They are illegal. What part of illegal don't you understand?
Waving other countries' flags? This is not the world cup or St. Patrick's day! This is offensive and threatening. Even if unarmed, they are enemy combatants, an invading army, and so they should be treated. Children present? Well, that is how they start. Send in the army dressed as policemen and call them peace enforcers.
m) When those techniques have been normalized, you can also use them against your citizens or tourists, for example, outside of a night club in a well know street.
n) You can also use these techniques at "public" places such as the airport. Remember the wisdom of previous statesmen, when you cannot understand the language or the situation, "first shoot and then ask questions", as the Mexican President Porfirio Diaz used to say. It works so well that he was able to stay in power for more than thirty years!
4. Vacinate
o) To avoid any return to a previous state of peace, multiculturalism, and co-habitation, create hatred. Use proved xenophobic techniques (ADL, 2007) and do not prosecute those civilians and civil organizations (like the KKK) who use time-tested techniques, just try to prevent the fascists and anti-fascists from getting killed by ultra-nationalists and neo-nazis or vice versa (Barroso, 2007).
p) Condemn racism, and make sure not to sound racist, remember this is not about race but about ... the regime of law (your law). Frame any operationalization to respect the rights of another group (e.g. Affirmative Action) as unfair, racist, and discriminating against your group. Repeat ad nauseam and people will see how it makes sense.
q) A high level of success will be achieved when wild animals and pets have more rights than illegal immigrants and people come to the rescue of non-vaccinated bitting pets over trespassing immigrant gardeners, they should had not been in the country in the first case, forget the fact that you call them to work on your garden (see The Princeton Packet, 2007).
p) Condemn racism, and make sure not to sound racist, remember this is not about race but about ... the regime of law (your law). Frame any operationalization to respect the rights of another group (e.g. Affirmative Action) as unfair, racist, and discriminating against your group. Repeat ad nauseam and people will see how it makes sense.
q) A high level of success will be achieved when wild animals and pets have more rights than illegal immigrants and people come to the rescue of non-vaccinated bitting pets over trespassing immigrant gardeners, they should had not been in the country in the first case, forget the fact that you call them to work on your garden (see The Princeton Packet, 2007).
You want to get until z)? You need more specifics? Well, for that you will have to hire my expertise as a consultant. It will be expensive but it is so worth it (it may get you elecetd, furthermore the social doctor needs a job). Unfortunately, you will have to wait, because there is a long waiting list of people wanting to follow this recipe. Luckily in some months some presidential pre-candidates may be looking for a new income generating activity that may also get them some media attention and influence.
Rare (?) real-life examples of this possible future world:Anti-Defamation League (ADL), "Anti-Immigrant Groups Borrow From Playbook Of Hate Groups To Demonize Hispanics"New York, NY, October 23, 2007.
Barroso, Javier. 2007. "Un fallecido y tres heridos graves en Madrid durante una reyerta entre neonazis y antifascistas." El Pais 11/11/2007
Chrisafis, Angelique. 2007. "Immigration crackdown in France." The Guardian. October 3, 2007.,,2182383,00.html
Gorman, Anna. "Immigration detainees are at record levels." Los Angeles Times Staff Writer. November 5, 2007.,1,4224180.story?coll=la-headlines-california
Gutierrez, Thelma. "I.C.E. drugging detainees set for deportation." CNN. October 12, 2007
Immigrant Solidarity Network.
Perlez, Jane. 2007. "A Battle Rages in London Over a Mega-Mosque Plan." The New York Times. November 4, 2007.
MacFarquhar, Neil. 2007. "Protest Greets Police Plan to Map Muslim Angelenos." The New York Times. November 9, 2007.
Quatremer, Jean. 2007. Sarkozy et les musulmans. Blog Liberation. Novembre 14, 2007.
The Princeton Packet/Norlen, Nick. "Victim of condemned dog deals with scars and painDog owner suing Princeton Township." The Princeton Packet. November 13, 2007
The Princeton Packet. "Overwhelming support for Congo" Princeton, New Jersey. November 12th, 2007.
It's (dog) house arrest for Congo, judge rules
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1 comment:
This makes for interesting reading although given the first paragraph's mention of a low-level "civil warfare", I think a follow up on the causal relationship between these kinds of legislative and social changes and future behaviour of immigrant groups would add context and pull out how close we might be to the "Worst Case Scenario".
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